All in Seafood

Baked Tilapia with Ginger and Cilantro

If you’re in a dinner rut and need something easy (basically us all the time) then my baked tilapia with ginger and cilantro is for you. Tilapia cooks so fast, making this dish the perfect palate pleasing last minute meal. The marinade is a fresh and aromatic combination of garlic, ginger, and cilantro and once baked, the tilapia literally melts in your mouth!

Chris's Hot Smoked Salmon

You've never had salmon quite like this before. Chris has been telling me that he can make the most delicious hot smoked salmon I've ever had and boy, was he right. This hot smoked salmon is absolutely drool worthy. While Chris's recipe does require some extra time and patience, the results are well worth it because this hot smoked salmon is the most delectable, subtly smoky, melt in your mouth salmon you will ever have.

Chris's Last Minute Sweet Chili Tilapia

Part of the fun of writing this blog is that my boyfriend enjoys cooking and is all for being featured on this blog! This is Chris's last minute sweet chili tilapia. The primary flavor as you would guess is sweet chili. The addition of the cayenne pepper and paprika give this recipe a nice kick, which we really liked.